Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Starting this off with not a bang...

You know, to be perfectly honest, I have no idea what I can expect from this blog. I don't know what people will gain out of reading this (or if people will even read it at all). But for me, doing something like this should've been done long ago. I have all these ideas and words and thoughts and...well...just THINGS running marathons around in my head and if I don't express them in some outlet, I will probably go crazy.

Who am I? Well..for one, I'm Brandon. Normal name. English origin. It means 'one of the beacon hill.' What does that mean? I've interpreted that to mean 'one who overlooks' which is pretty apt because I'm 6'6 feet tall. Me being taller than most has become a topic of discussion a few times. Usually it goes something like this:

'Excuse me sir...?'


'How tall are you?'

'I'm 6'6.'


'No. I don't play basketball.'

People are surprised when I say that I don't play basketball. It AMAZES them even. It further shocks them when I say that I want to be an architect in life.

'Really? An ARCHITECT?!'

'Yes. I love skyscrapers and buildings and all that goes on in terms of making them.'

Then they get a bit interested because it isn't often that you see a 6'6 black homosexual male (oh yeah...I like the penis) who wants to become an architect. But HERE I AM! In all my glory. Or not. Whatever I suppose. What did Popeye say? 'I am what I am and that's all that I am.' That pretty much covers all that I said.

If nothing else, I thank you for even reading this. Means a lot. Have a nice day and buckle your seatbelt.

1 comment:

  1. "Oh yea...i like the penis"....Lmao that was your signature topic sentence! Do tell us more in your next blog! lol

    Your off to a gr8 start, however in glorius response of your recent attempt at being Social:
    “A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five.”

